During the month of November, 2015, M4Success LLC delivered a training on Web Marketing, Social Media and Email Marketing to 12 women in businesses and marketing managers.

20151106_161612The objective of the training was  to familiarize women in business with the use of a Website and how to make the best of it, help them understand what Social Media means and how they could be used, and enable them to use eMails as a sound marketing tool for the benefit of their businesses.

During the training participants analysed their own situation regarding website marketing and social media marketing and the best possible approach in order to get to a website, use social media and email transaction for the benefit of their business, to boost their sales, get new customers and inform the existing ones.

Ceremonia e Certifikatave - Foto Grupore
Certificate Ceremony – Group Picture

Training was evaluated very highly by all participants because it provided insight on how to best utilize digital marketing tools and also decide which marketing tools can best serve their marketing strategy.

In the end of the training participants received certificates of participation in 4 day training on Digital marketing
and seizing the opportunity that it offers.

The training was conducted in cooperation with CEFE Serbia and financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

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Women in Business: Web Marketing, Social Media and Email Marketing
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