On 15 November 2017, in Peja was held the second workshop of two Advisory Boards of the University Haxhi Zeka in Peja. At the workshop were present Rector Prof. Fadil Millaku, Prof. Sabiha Shala, deans of two faculties, presidents and members of the AB.

Knowing the importance of the Advisory Board as mechanisms of cooperation between academia and labor market, at this workshop all actors worked together to identify and analyze the causes of inactivity of the Advisory Board. At the same time, solutions and changes in the regulations were proposed that will have a positive impact in the empowerment of the Advisory boards to be active part of development processes in the university.
The empowerment of the Advisory boards has triple benefits. The companies will benefit study

programs in alignment with labor market needs that will prepare future labor force and young professionals. Students will be more motivated to study because they will have practical skills that will support their transition from school to world
of work. With active involvement of companies in the curriculum development processes, will increase credibility of the study programs in the university and students’ employability.
This initiatives was realized in close coordination and cooperation between Vice Rector for Teaching and student issues, Prof. Ass.Dr. Sabiha Shala and M4Success LLC, supported by the “Enhancing Youth Employment -EYE” project, of Swiss Development Agency implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation HSI dhe Management Development Associates MDA