Rector Prof. Marjan Dema, indicating the importance of the Advisory Boards

On 17 November 2017, in Prishtina was held the meeting with representatives of 10 Advisory Boards from the  Faculties of University of Prishtina. The Rector Prof. Marjan Dema emphasized the importance of active participation of the advisory boards in the processes of the curriculum revision, providing learning practice for students of the different fields, and having joint projects with business community.

During the meeting Ms. Mullatahiri presented the findings from the interviews with member of the Advisory Boards and provided recommendations to changes in the regulation of the establishment and functioning of AB that may positively impact the re-activation of the AB. The representatives of the AB discussed the modalities of re activating the advisory boards and the importance of promoting the activities and member’s contribution.  In the end all stakeholders agreed to provide their comments to changes in the regulation via email.

This initiatives was realized in close coordination and cooperation between Vice Rector for Quality and Development,  Prof. Ass.Dr. Hysen Bytyqi and M4Success LLC, supported by the “Enhancing Youth Employment -EYE” project, of Swiss Development Agency  implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation HSI dhe Management Development Associates MDA.

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Functionalizing the Advisory Boards at the Faculties of the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina
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